Cut and Come Again Crops, Explained

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We love growing cut & come again crops because they just keep going and going. Lettuce, mizuna, and chard are our favorites. Instead of one harvest, you get many!

Cut and come again means you can harvest (cut) and the plant will regrow (come again), and then you can harvest again.

Harvest the larger leaves of chard, and leave the smaller, middle leaves to grow. If you have never tried chard, it’s great sautéed in olive oil with garlic. Our favorite varieties are Rainbow Chard (super colorful stems), and Perpetual Spinach (all green, and milder tasting.

Mizuna after a harvest

Cut back mizuna, and it will regrow for you, but make sure you leave some green leaves so the plant has the energy to regrow. Mizuna is a mustard, but does not taste like your grandma’s mustard greens. There are several varieties, and in our experience, the darker the leaf, the more “peppery’ it tastes. Our favorite varieties are Green Mizuna and Red Streaks Mizuna.

Harvest the lower leaves of leaf lettuces first and leave the small, inner leaves so they can grow bigger for you. This not only works for leaf lettuces, but also some head lettuces like romaine. If you have never grown your own lettuce at home, you are missing out! Fresh lettuce is super tender, and way more tasty than anything you’ll find at the grocery store. It is also super easy to grow from seed, and grows quickly too. Our favorite varieties are Freckles Romaine, Red Romaine, Paris Island Cos Romaine, Red Sails, Buttercrunch, and Black Seeded Simpson.

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